GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

Presentation: "A Step-By-Step Guide To Building The Cloud"

Time: Wednesday 14:00 - 14:50 / Location: Walton North

It's been said, "To The Cloud!" And that's not just a marketing slogan! The cloud is here today to save us from world hunger, deadly parasites, despotic governments, and even what's lacking in our personal relationships!

Okay, maybe the cloud is overhyped. But surely there's *something* to all this hubbub!

In this talk, Garrett Smith will break down the essential value of "the cloud" for software development -- and dive into what's required to build it. He'll transform an abstract term, hijacked by marketing departments, into a clear and simple road map for building network based service platforms.

Garrett will draw from his experiences at CloudBees, where he helped build the leading Java platform-as-a-service, to outline the process and technical ingredients of cloud building. He'll cover topics such as cloud architecture, inter-node communication, monitoring and alerting, recovery strategy, scalability, and interface design.

You don't have to be Google or Amazon to appreciate the importance of cloud-building! If you're a devops hacker, system administrator, or just trying to improve your organization's service levels, you'll come away with important insight and helpful hints for tackling your projects.

To The Cloud!

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Garrett Smith, Organizer of the Chicago Erlang Group and Programmer at Cloudbees

Garrett Smith

Biography: Garrett Smith

Garrett Smith is a programmer at CloudBees, the leading Java Platform-as-a-Service vendor. He specializes in control systems that manage hundreds of thousands of applications, databases, and other platform services in the cloud. Garrett is a frequent presenter on topics including Software Construction, Systems Design, and Reliability. He is an Erlang instructor and organizes the Chicago Erlang User Group.

You may also know his videos:

MongoDB Is Web Scale

Node.js Is Bad Ass Rock Star Tech


Twitter: @gar1t